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About Us

At Alliance Ag & Grain, our agronomy, grain, energy and feed divisions help keep rural farming communities in southern Kansas running strong, day-in and day-out. Whether you’re looking for customized agronomic expertise and support, experienced assistance in marketing your crop, or a dependable provider of fuels and feeds, we work hard to meet your needs and often exceed your expectations in the process.
Alliance Ag & Grain, LLC was formed in March of 2016, when Right Cooperative Association, Farmers Cooperative Company and Southern Plains Cooperative joined under the same umbrella. While this enabled us to gain the efficiencies of working together as one group, it also allowed us to maintain our identities. This was important, because the roots of our three founding cooperatives run deep in southern Kansas; each were founded more than 100 years ago, weathered the Dust Bowl and earned a strong network of loyal customers through a keen focus on providing quality service and always doing the right thing.
We continue to believe in providing our customers with value-added service and support, now more than ever. Anybody can sell products and commodities, but we go above and beyond to provide producers with the latest precision ag technologies, sustainable farming platforms and grain marketing options to help them maximize profitability while also maintaining a focus on their conservation efforts.
With a presence in nearly 20 communities in southern Kansas, we work hard to earn your business at Alliance Ag & Grain, and we work even harder to keep it. Contact us today to learn how we can contribute to your growth and success.

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