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Committed to excellent service and support, our Alliance Ag & Grain Energy Division works hard to fulfill your fuel needs. You can count on us to keep your farm or business operating efficiently, your vehicles and equipment running in top condition, and your home comfortable.

We run a fleet of bulk trucks out of our Haviland, KS and Protection, KS locations to provide area farms, oil fields and residential customers with onsite delivery of propane and CENEX branded products like farm and road fuel, oil and lubricants. With a maximum capacity of 2600 gallons, our largest fuel delivery truck can handle virtually any order.

In addition to delivering propane and bulk fuels to our customers, we have 11 cardtrol fuel stations located throughout southern Kansas that are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also own and operate two auto service centers in Haviland, KS and Lewis, KS.

If you’re in the market for a fuel provider or have questions, please give us a call. We look forward to serving you!

Haviland Office: 620-862-5225
Protection Office: 620-622-4619

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